lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014


JESSICA: … Everything you think will be different, and the way you act, and all your most passionately held beliefs are all gonna be completely different, and it’s really depressing.
WARREN: How do you figure?
JESSICA: Because it just basically invalidates whoever you are right now. You know what I mean? It just makes your whole self at any given point in your life seem so completely dismissible. So it’s like, what is the point? […]
It’s like when you find an old letter you wrote that you don’t remember writing. And it’s got all these thoughts and opinions in it that you don’t remember having, and it’s written to somebody you don’t even remember having ever written a letter to.
WARREN: I’ve never found a letter like that.
JESSICA: Well I have. Like, a lot of them. And it just makes you realize that there’s just these huge swaths of time in your life that didn’t register at all, and that you might just as well have beendead during them for all the difference they make to you now.

This Is Our Youth
 diario visual

sábado, 19 de julio de 2014

jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Stephanie Guarecuco 
Vanessa Chirino / Daniela Revilla / Alejandro Rangel / Anthony Rodriguez

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Esta es una pequeña selección de una serie de fotos que hice para una venta de garaje llamada "El Patio", con una presentación nada formal pero con la mejor intención de todas vendí la mayoría de las fotografías, estoy muy contento de que todas tengan un hogar y algunas personas hasta las enmarcaron, pequeñas cosas que me ponen feliz.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Aprendiendo a observar cada vez mas, visitando mis sitios favoritos con mis personas favoritas.